FM, Oulun yliopisto 1988, laillistettu puheterapeutti
NDT (Neuro-Developmental Treatment) -peruskurssi (9 ov) 1993
NDT syventävä kurssi (1ov) 1995
NDT Practicum in feeding and communication, Ljubljana (1ov) 1999
Ammattitaidon ylläpitoa ja kehittämistä vuosittain. Mm. kongressit: Barcelona 2010 (ISAAC); Orlando 2013 (ASHA); Wien 2014 (EACD); Singapore 2015 (ICLICE), Itasca, Ill., USA 2016 (National Conference on Childhood Apraxia of Speech); Groningen, NL 2017 (International Conference on Speeech Motor Control); 10th European Congress of Speech and Language, Cascais, Portugal 2018; FLASHA at Sea Convention, FLA, USA 2019. ASHA Convention (Ignating Innoivation Boston 2023). ASHA Convention (ELEVATE! Seattle) 2024
OPT New York: A Three-Part Treatment Plan for Oral Placement Therapy 2013; A Sensory Motor Approach to Apraxia of Speech And Related Motor Speech Disorders 2014
PECS New York: Level 1 Training 2014; Teaching Critical Communication Skills 2015; Transitioning from PECS to Speech Generating Devices 2015
PROMPT: Introduction to Prompt / Technique (New York 2014)
PROMPT: Bridging PROMPT Technique to Intervention (Göteborg 2016)